Their report said, in part:
"Created in response to the alarming rate of suicide among older men in Australia, these clubs are now focused on improving the overall health and well-being of older men around the world."
"A systematic review of 14 studies, including 11 from Australia, two from the United Kingdom and one from Canada, examined the effects of men's sheds and other social activities for older men on their health and well-being.
"Men often have habits that pose certain health risks (alcohol and tobacco use, for example), have more difficulty in developing friendships as they get older, tend to be more socially isolated, and are less likely to join social or community groups, unlike their female counterparts."
"the systematic review reveals that allowing older men to share their health concerns and experiences in a supportive environment that is not perceived as part of the formal health and social-services system seems to increase their overall well-being."